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My Eye Drops 

Your Natural Dry Eye Solution
Image by Marina Vitale

Know the Signs

When you have "dry eye" the symptoms may include:

  • Stinging or burning

  • Gritty or scratchy (feeling like something is in your eye)

  • Redness

  • Blurred vision

  • Sensitivity to light


Up to 30% of Americans experience dry eye

Everyone's dry eye condition can be different depending on the cause and severity. Therefore, the treatment plan may differ.

How do Serum Tears Work?

Serum Tears treat corneal defects, which result from prolonged dryness, and/or inflammation

  • The proteins in our plasma have healing properties that help rebuild corneal defects more effectively than any other artificial tear.

  • Applying plasma tears provides a liquid coat of healing to your eyes.

Putting Eye Drops
Donating Blood

In Office

Meet with our dry eye specialist who will create your custom eye drops conveniently at your doctor's office.

  • Our certified phlebotomist will perform a blood draw, separate the different blood components and formulate your custom eye drop.

  • Your eye drops are created and packaged using sterile techniques.

Serum Tears Treatment at Home

  • You are sent home with approximately 48 vials from each blood draw.

  • These vials are dispensed in a frozen state.

  • Each vial thaws in minutes and needs to STAY under refrigeration/cold during use.

  • This supply lasts for 3-4 months for each eye.

Request an Appointment

To set an appointment visit Weslayan Eye Associates

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